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Energy Saving Solutions

​​Change your air filter regularly – You should change your filter every month, especially during heavy use months (peak winter and summer months). If the filter looks dirty after a month, you should change it. A filter has to be changed AT LEAST every three months. A dirty filter slows down air flow and makes your system work harder to keep you warm or cool and this wastes energy. A clean filter will also maintain your system and prevent system failures/maintenance needs.

Tune up your HVAC equipment every year – A yearly tune-up can improve efficiency and comfort. Priory Heating and Air Conditioning can take complete care of your systems for a low annual premium. This covers seasonal cleaning, safety checks, maintenance and replacement filters among other things.

Install a programmable thermostat – Whenever you are away from home, you can pre-program your thermostat to decrease energy use. This simple solution can save you up to $200/year in energy costs.

Seal your heating and cooling ducts – Sealing small gaps in duct work will improve efficiency as well. Generally a technician should always perform this task using special duct tape, but it can often be over looked. You can personally check for escaping air around the duct connections by placing your hand over the area. If you feel air is escaping have the region sealed.

Consider Energy Star qualified heating and cooling equipment – The Energy Star program is backed by the government; products marked with the Energy Star logo help consumers and businesses identify the most energy efficient and environmentally friendly products on the market in Canada and around the world.

Up to half of the energy you use in your home or business environment is due to heating and cooling. So making smart, informed decisions about your heating, ventilation and air conditioning can have a big impact on your monthly utility bills. Here are some steps you can take to save money and keep your environment comfortable.

Energy Saving Solutions and Tips

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